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Emotional, nature inspired art for those who want to enjoy and feel uplifted by the ever changing beauty in the world around them.
"I really like your writing style...the way you express your thoughts. And of course your art is awesome."
Mike S.

Susan Klinger, Artist
Mar 6, 2021
Tree of Inspiration
Each day when I passed this tree, I found inspiration. To keep going. The tree had been weak at some point. I saw the tree as a metaphor for

Susan Klinger, Artist
Jun 2, 2020
How did you get here from there?
Step by step process from a very abstract sketch, to a realistic pastel painting. And the entertaining responses of my followers.

Susan Klinger, Artist
Oct 14, 2019
And now for something a little different
...eventually I wanted the flowers to prevail, but with subtle evidence of the stripes remaining. In retrospect, it is a metaphor for me...

Susan Klinger, Artist
Feb 1, 2019
Back to basics - It's like riding a bike!
Could a portrait drawing be my ticket out of the artistic doldrums? Getting back to basics was exactly what I needed!

Susan Klinger, Artist
Jul 8, 2018
Maintaining the Momentum
Painting my sky series had the potential to become repetitive, to the point of boring for me as an artist. Could I continue to stay inspire

Susan Klinger, Artist
Apr 27, 2018
Challenge, Goal, Opportunity!
After setting a goal of 24 pastel studies, the ideas began to flow. This explains how I took a self imposed deadline and how it grew into th

Susan Klinger, Artist
Nov 2, 2017
The sky is the limit
In my most recent blog post, I described the start of a month-long series of sky studies. My intent was to do one pastel study per day...

Susan Klinger, Artist
Oct 13, 2017
Sunset after sunset, what am I learning?
There are many artists out there that have taken on a 'painting-a-day' challenge. ...this concept seemed more like torture that ben

Susan Klinger, Artist
Sep 15, 2017
Sometimes it just takes a while
It’s funny how motivation can strike, run hot, and then…it’s gone. This happens more times than I like to admit when it comes to my...

Susan Klinger, Artist
Jul 7, 2017
Nature as my Inspiration
I can find inspiration to paint any time of year, but summer is particularly bountiful in providing visual inspiration. Just last week, ...

Susan Klinger, Artist
May 29, 2017
What's your story?
I read an article recently about the importance of stories. It made me wonder if it was important to share the stories of my paintings...

Susan Klinger, Artist
Oct 13, 2016
A week for palm trees
Palm Trees. I never tire of them. There are so many different varieties. Tall & thin. Short and stocky. With coconuts. Without...

Susan Klinger, Artist
Sep 26, 2016
What does it mean?
Having worked in realism for the majority of my adult artistic life, my foray into abstraction for about a year and a half surprised not...

Susan Klinger, Artist
Sep 14, 2016
Time to revisit an old friend
This art journey has some surprising twists and turns. I started out my artist life painting in watercolor. Through a series of events...

Susan Klinger, Artist
Jul 20, 2016
Gotta refill the tank!
Is the creative well running dry? Some folks think artists have a never ending supply of ideas. We just sit down or stand at the easel...
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